This is my first completed game, although it is short.

All comments are welcome and encouraged. I really want to get better, so don't hold back any criticism (if it isn't just mean-spirited lol)


    -Point and click to jump

   - Holding down left mouse changes jump strength

    - Releasing left mouse will result in a jump

    - Holding shift puts the jump at max strength

Assets used:

    - Font: "Minecraftia" by Andrew Taylor

    - Everything else: Me =)


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This is neat! Really appreciate the max strength jump too, really helped in not making this a rage game :D ! Awesome stuff, looking forward to future projects!

I'm guessing it's not a coincidence that this is the second slime-based game you've made? XD

Thanks! I added the max strength because I was having rage at my own game lol. And yeah, it isn't a coincidence I made a second game about a slime. I like slimes lol.

Fair enough 😂!


Good job! Only encountered one glitch - there's a moving platform that can shove you into the wall. Art and gameplay are good.


Thanks for the feedback!